A Helpful Guide for Your Digestive Health

Your digestion is a critical system in your body that can be easily overlooked, but it needs as much attention as every other aspect of your health. We’ve highlighted some of the things you should be mindful of when it comes to your digestive well-being as well as some unhealthy patterns to avoid and more wholesome alternatives.

You Really Are What You Eat

You get energy to go about your day from the foods you eat, but your diet affects every aspect of your life, including your overall comfort level, physique, mental acuity, and immune system. A poor diet can cause acidic imbalances in your stomach, which cause the short-term pains of irritable bowels and heartburn and the long-term effects of internal damage due to imbalanced or excessive acids.

Hydration is important for everyone, and most people spend time dehydrated without realizing it. Soda and coffee dehydrate the body, and that quick caffeine boost actually burns you out quickly. Proper hydration will boost your digestive processes and is a key part of any healthy diet.

Fiber Is Crucial

Most people try to avoid foods that are high in fat but often neglect to eat foods that are high in fiber. Both insoluble and soluble fibers are important. Insoluble “roughage” builds up stools, and soluble fiber prevents watery stools—both help naturally clear your digestive tract by encouraging healthy stool production. Beans, asparagus, kale, spinach, and other leafy vegetables help maintain healthy digestion.

A quick internet search will turn up loads of fiber-rich and healthy recipes that promote healthy digestion, so look for any possible substitutions you can make to your diet before you have any serious digestive issues. Smoothies have become an increasingly popular choice among individuals who don’t enjoy the taste of leafy, fibrous vegetables. Blend together kale and other leafy veggies with fruits and probiotics for a healthy alternative to junk food.

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