How to React to a Minor Injury

Although minor injuries don’t threaten lives, it’s still important to react to them properly to reduce the risk of complications like infection. Everyone should know how to properly clean wounds and apply bandaging to keep them protected. If they’re not treated properly, they can lead to major infections and will need the attention of both doctors and Cordova personal injury lawyers from Denton & Zachary, PLLC law firm, for legal claims. You can also hire motorcycle accident lawyers based in Atlanta area  who are experts in handling legal matters of any kinds of injuries.

Here are some other first aid tips:

Bandaging Wounds

The Americans faced with personal injury claims in Canada, mention that before bandaging a minor wound, clean it thoroughly. Remove dirt and debris, and use clear water. You might need to remove debris with tweezers. Once the wound is clean, stop the bleeding by applying pressure with a sterile cloth. Apply antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin, and cover the wound securely with a bandage. You can leave minor scrapes and cuts uncovered, but if the wound looks deeper than the surface, don’t take chances. When it comes to an accident occurred due to drunk driving, understand how a DUI can affect your future.

Removing Splinters

Splinters are painful but relatively easy to treat. If the splinter is sticking out, you can pull it out of the skin with tweezers at the same angle it went in. Wash the splintered area first, and clean your tweezers with an alcohol-dipped cotton swab. If the splinter is under the skin, you’ll need a sterilized needle as well as tweezers. Gently scrape the skin with the needle until you see the splinter’s top. Then grab the end of the splinter with the tweezers, remove it, and clean the skin again.

Staunching Nosebleeds

Nosebleeds usually look worse than they are and stop within about 20 minutes. To treat one, tilt your head slightly forward to prevent blood from running down the throat. Press your nostrils together with a tissue or washcloth, and hold for five minutes. If the bleeding hasn’t stopped after that, gently squeeze the nostrils again and repeat the process. If a nosebleed lasts longer than 20 minutes or if bleeding is profuse and fast, call the doctor.

Treating Animal and Insect Bites

Clean the bite area thoroughly. If the wound is bleeding, staunch it with a sterile cloth and pressure. Cover the bite with a gauze pad or bandage. For itching insect bites, use ointment or calamine lotion. If a bite is large or caused by an unknown animal, or if bleeding hasn’t stopped after 15 minutes, seek medical treatment.

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